by | Mar 7, 2018

What is

Welcome to — a Christian women magazine dedicated to empowering, encouraging and cheering on women. The magazine provides curated articles and videos to serve women to live life victoriously through Jesus Christ. It explores spiritual, practical, fun and essential topics.

Mission serves to bring women into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another irrespective of age, stage or season of our lives.

  • We will celebrate shared experiences, friendships that transcend cultures, time zones and country of origin.
  • We will strive to live a Christian life like Jesus Christ so that we can truly experience the abundant life that He promised. offers women (Christian and non-Christian) a place where we can guide one another through the joys and grit of true life.

We will become better women of faith, mothers, daughters, grandmothers, wives, aunts, sisters, friends and citizens.

Who We Are

Hi, I am Lucy.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a professional civil/environmental engineer, daughter, mother, grandy, sister, aunt, grand aunt, nutrition and integrative medicine enthusiast, budding web developer/programmer, etc, etc, etc.

I have been blessed to work in the corporate world of the environmental engineering industry for over 25 years. Our Heavenly Father has shown me the wonders of the world and fun stuff outside engineering. There were trials and tribulations. Yes, there were times when getting up that horse again seemed impossible.  With each step, He has proven almighty opening doors where there seemed to be none.

Our heavenly Father laid it upon my heart to create this website 2 years ago. I thought it would be a fun project for me to learn the ropes to become a budding web developer. As many know, as an employee, your time is not yours and as a follower of Jesus Christ we want to give of our best at work. The website was not completed and launched.

It was a difficult time when my brother was diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of turmoil, I could not remember many verses or hymns to console him and let him know that He is a child of God. I must confess that I am not an evangelist or missionary. However, I truly believe that my action will better show others what a true follower of Christ is.

God has engraved in my heart to complete this website with all the sermons, articles, inspirational verses and music, all in one place for anyone seeking a community of friends. This website is in memory of my brother Charles who bravely fought cancer.

Let me introduce my younger sister Rinda who I love dearly.

Hi, I am Rinda.

I am blessed to have my husband, my son and his wife who are very supportive of my ministry.   I am a Quality Assurance professional in Australia, with more than 25 years experience in the food industry.

I have been a Christian since the age of 15 years old and am now a passionate marketplace Christian. God has laid upon my heart a mandate to help “ordinary”  Christians navigate the exciting journey of daily intimate conversations  with the Heavenly Father.

I find so much excitement and fulfilment in teaching Christians how to be the Heavenly Father’s mouthpiece by delivering words of encouragement, edification or comfort.

My greatest delight  is to see “ordinary” Christians fulfil their destiny when the Heavenly Father reveals to them the good works that He has prepared in advance for them to do.

The heavenly Father has tasked me  2 years ago with the assignment of writing a book to teach His children how to connect with Him. I am still in the midst  of writing the book. I want to share snippets on how you can connect with God in your journey in this website.  I will also share songs that the Holy Spirit has downloaded to me so that I can encourage someone through the songs.


I am truly honored to meet you and hope you’ll introduce yourself to me as well.

For followers of Jesus Christ and those still searching, it is my prayer that will inspire you, your loved ones and friends. I would like to invite you to subscribe for updates below. As you get to know me and my sister better through and as a member of the community, let us join hands to cheer and elevate each other.