Give yourself a pat on the back! You have joined us since Part 1 and now for the final Part 5 of the series “Connecting With God, Our Heavenly Father”. We pray that you have been blessed with each article. Drop us a line in the comment section below and let us know how God has moved you through these articles.
A bonus article will be featured at the next post so don’t forget to subscribe so that you will be informed when the bonus is out!
In Part 1 of How To Connect With God, Our Heavenly Father we discussed:
Why does God want to connect with me?
Why do I want to connect with God?
In Part 2 of How To Connect With God, Our Heavenly Father, we discussed:
How will I know when God is reaching out to me?
How do I reach out to Him?
When will He reach out to me so that He can connect with me?
What do I do when God speaks to me at an inconvenient time?
When can I connect with our heavenly Father?
In Part 3 of How To Connect With God, Our Heavenly Father, we discussed:
Where will He connect with me?
Where can I connect with Him?
In Part 4 of How To Connect With God, Our Heavenly Father, we discussed:
Who will our heavenly Father want to connect with?
Who are we that we can speak and connect with God?
What is in store for us at Connecting With God, Our Heavenly Father (Part 5)? Read on, I know you will enjoy it.
What will He say to me when He connects with me?
There is an innate curiosity among those that have never heard God’s voice to wonder what are the things that God wants to speak to them.
In our present society, there are many people who come from broken families without any communication among the family members. Many grew up feeling ignored. They feel that they are not important individuals in a family and they are just a number in this world. Many think that if they fail to exist tomorrow, no one will notice that they are gone.
It is with this feeling of low self-esteem and lack of direction in their lives that many people are surprised to learn that there is a God who wants to speak to them. He will speak to them about the smallest detail in their lives. He is interested in them, not because He wants something from them but because He wants to give them the gift of eternal life.
What does God want to speak to me about?
He wants to speak to you about anything that you are interested or concerned about in your life. This may include:
- Your future
- Your destiny
- Your life assignment
- His love for you
- His dreams for you
- Things that He wants you to change for the better
- Your health
- Your family
- Your marriage if you are married
- Your life partner if you are praying for one
- Your dreams
- Your fears and worries
- Your career
- Your financial issues
The list is endless and in a nutshell – He wants to speak to you about anything and everything. This can only happen if you invite Him and allow Him into your life. He is a gentleman and will never force Himself into your life if we do not want Him.
In Romans 10:21, God says ” But concerning Israel, ‘All day long I have stretched out my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people’ “. Many times, we are like the people of Israel that do not seek God and are disobedient and obstinate and we want to do things our own way. Yet His hands are outstretched to us in love and compassion.
“ Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Rev 3:20
With the finished work of Jesus on the cross, He has made the way for us to approach the heavenly Father boldly. Jesus also make the invitation to all of us in Revelation 3:20 where He says, “ Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Imagine Jesus – the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords sitting at our dining table and talking to us !! Yes, He will do this only if we invite Him in. Even though He is all powerful, He can speak and the door will be open. But He chooses to let us have the choice of inviting Him in.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11
In the Bible, there are many examples that show God is interested in every area of our life.
- He wants us to know that He loves us and that we are always on His thoughts (Psalms 139:17-18).
- He wants us to know that when we trust and acknowledge Him that He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).
- He wants to speak to us about His plans that He has for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).
- He wants to tell us that we are never alone and that His love for us is everlasting to everlasting (Joshua 1:5; Jeremiah 31:3).
- He wants to speak to us about His grace that is more than sufficient for us (2 Cor 12:9).
- He wants to speak to us about accomplishing impossible things for Him because with Him all things are possible (Luke 1:37).
- He wants to speak to us about our fears and He wants to tell us that His perfect love for us casts out all fears (1 John 4:18).
- He wants to speak to us about our cares and worries and He is able to carry our burdens for us (Psalm 68:19-20, Psalm 55:22).
- He wants to speak to us about hope when there seems to be no hope for He is the God of hope (Romans 15:13) .
- He wants to speak to us about our disappointments and when we put our hope in Him, we will never be disappointed or be put to shame (Psalm 25:3; Romans 10:11; Isaiah 49:23).
- He wants to speak to us about our insecurity for He is our security (Job 24;23).
- He wants to speak to us about our confusion and tell us that He is not a God of confusion ( 1 Corinthians 14:33).
- He wants to tell us He will guide us till our last day on earth (Psalm 48:14).
- He wants to speak to us about our finance for He will cause us to succeed in everything we do and He will prosper the works of our hands (Deuteronomy 30:9).
- He wants to speak to us about our health for He has given us good health and He has taken away all our diseases (Psalm 103:3).
- He wants to speak to us when we are concerned about our children for He promised that He, Himself will teach our children (Isaiah 54:13).
- He wants to speak to us about His joy for His joy will be our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
- He wants to speak to us about His peace for He has given us His peace that the world cannot give and the world cannot take it away from us (John 14:27).
- He wants to speak to us about His love that extends to the heavens and His faithfulness that reaches to the skies ( Psalm 36:5).
As you read the love letters of God to you, no doubt you will find even more gems for yourself that show how much the heavenly Father is thinking of you all the time (outnumber the sand according to Psalm 139:17).
So in the final analysis, He wants to speak and connect with us regarding every area of our lives and regarding any of our concerns. The reason is because He loves and cares for us and we are the apple of His eye. He did not create us and leave us on this earth to fend for ourselves. He is concerned about our well-being and even before we were born, He has already written the plans for our lives. His plans for us is good and perfect and no plans of the enemy can thwart His plans for us !!
Back to you – What can you say to Him when you connect with Him?
Hearing from God is vital to enjoy His eternal plan for our lives. Listening to God is our decision; no one else can do it for us. God will not force us to choose His will, but He will do everything He can to encourage us to say yes to His ways. This means God wants to be involved in even the smallest detail of our lives. His Word tells us to acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:6). To acknowledge God is to care what He thinks and to ask for His opinion.
We can speak to Him about anything on our mind. He is interested in every aspect of our lives (for example, our health, career, children, spouse, life partner, ministry, finance, etc). Some people think that God is only interested in spiritual things in our lives or that we should speak to Him only when we are in “big” trouble.
We think we should not talk to Him about our normal daily routine as He is not interested and doesn’t have time for us. So we converse with Him only about “major” issues that we are facing. Sometimes we have this mentality that we should not trouble God over trivial matters or He will get impatient or angry with us. This is the lie of the enemy that he uses to blind us so that we have difficulties having an intimate relationship with God as He intended. We have best friends that we share everything with – our aspirations, dreams, fears, hopes, likes, dislikes, etc. How much more does your heavenly Father want to be in every part of our lives for He loves us and care about us ?
We need to also realise that God is not interested in just having a one way communication with us. He talks to us and we hear Him but we do not respond. OR we speak to Him but do not bother to hear what His responses are.
He does not treat us like robots where we take orders from Him. We are not His slaves but His children. The privilege of being His children is that we are able to know about things that are close to His heart. He wants to share His heart’s secrets with us if only we will ask Him. He does not want us to treat Him like a vending machine where we want answers to our questions (and we want “immediate” answers) and we are not really interested in having a relationship with Him.
Many of us see the heavenly Father as someone who supplies our needs and fulfill our desires. Very few actually ask Him the things that break His heart or what is His thoughts about certain events happening around the world. I suppose for most of us, we are so wrapped up on our own world of “me, me, me” that we never pause to think of what is in His heart. How sad a relationship when a person is interested in getting out as much as possible from another person and is not really interested in knowing that person.
When we see someone in need or in health issue, do we pause and ask the heavenly Father what He wants us to say to this person on His behalf? I believe that we will fall in love more and more with the heavenly Father when we are doing the things that is in His heart. Many of us live our lives selfishly by just existing for ourselves. Instead of focusing all the time on what we want and what we need, we will be more like Jesus and think of others as opportunities that God may bring across our path that He wants us to minister.
One tip that I have learnt is that when we are ready to have a conversation with our heavenly Father and to connect with Him, we should ask open questions instead of asking closed questions that require a ‘yes” or ‘no” answers. We need to be daring enough to ask Him about anything and everything. He will not be offended or surprised by what we ask. God doesn’t want to only answer our questions—although those are important; He wants to have a deep and personal relationship with us by having intimate conversations with us.
Below are some examples of what you can ask God. Write down the answers that He gives you. This is important as He may give you more details as you are writing.
- Dear heavenly Father, can You please show/tell me what special gifts You have given me?
- Dear heavenly Father, can You please show/tell me how much do You love me?
- Dear heavenly Father, can You please show /tell me what are the things that I do that make You sad?
- Dear heavenly Father, can You please show /tell me what are the things that I do that bring pleasure to You?
- Dear heavenly Father, can You please show /tell me what are my strengths and how I can use them for your glory?
- Dear heavenly Father, can You please show /tell me what are my weaknesses and how you can help me overcome my weaknesses?
- Dear heavenly Father, can You please show /tell me which ministry I can best serve you?
- Dear heavenly Father, can You please show /tell me what area in my life have I not surrendered to You yet?
- Dear heavenly Father, can You please show /tell me what are my deepest fears and how can You can help me overcome?
There are endless things that we can speak to Him about. However, we must also let Him speak to us what is in His heart. When we hear Him, you will notice that His heart will always be about the lost – people who have yet to know Him. It is His desire for each of us to fulfil our destiny in being part of His end time army to harvest souls. Our heavenly Father has greater destiny for us than to be successful in the corporate world. All our blessings and gifts are linked to it being used to bless others and to bring people back into His kingdom.
Dear heavenly Father, I never realize that there are so many things in my life that You are interested and that You want to speak to me about. Forgive me for my wrong assumption that You are not interested in me and have nothing much to say to me. There are so many questions that I have about my relationship, career, finance, etc but I never realize that I can ask You about them. Help me never to be afraid to speak to You regarding what is in my heart. Help me to also ask You what is in your heart. From today onwards, I want to let You show me/tell me what is in Your heart for me and for others who have yet to know You. In Jesus name, Amen
Do not miss the bonus article “How to discern God’s voice and how He connects with us by activating our spiritual senses”. The bonus article will be featured at the next post so don’t forget to subscribe so that you will be informed when the bonus is out!
This article is written by Rinda Ho, who is writing her first book. She will share snippets on how you can connect with God in your journey through this website. She will also share songs that the Holy Spirit has downloaded to her so that you can encourage someone through these songs. Rinda has used God’s gift to serve as keynote speaker, held Christian seminars and taught group leaders and small groups in various churches, educating Christians how to hear God’s voice. She delights in mentoring Christians and sees “ordinary” Christians fulfill their destiny, when the heavenly Father reveals to them the good works that He has prepared in advance for them to do.