50 Treasured Hymns (Group 3)
Enjoy the 50 Treasured Hymns that have been sung through the ages. These hymns with meaning lyrics and smoothing music have been selected to inspire, comfort and encourage you in your walk with Jesus Christ. Just walk into churches that hold traditional services and you will enjoy the congregation singing these time-tested hymns and appreciating each word.
Knowing and singing beautiful hymns do not make one a Christian or follower of Jesus Christ. Click here to learn more.
1. Amazing Grace
2. And Can It Be That I Should Gain
3. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
4. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
5. Be Thou My Vision
5a. Be Thou My Vision
6. To God Be The Glory
6a. My Tribute (To God Be The Glory)
7. Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
8. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
9. My Jesus I Love Thee
10. Take My Life And Let It Be